Yodoflex PT (ETFE lined pipes)
These pipes are lined using ETFE resins with high gas barrier in low temperature. Compared with PFA, a usable temperature drops low but we can offer at low cost. Compared with other fluororesins, ETFE resins are easy to execute lining therefore customers can work it at site.
(We don’t execute so customers please execute that on your own.)
Yodoflex PT (PFA lined pipes)
These have the most excellent resistance to almost all liquid chemicals so as to lining for best chemical resistance and heat resistance in fluoloresin .
These materials are used often in clean environment such as medicine and semiconductor production line, etc.
Yodo-flow linied pipes (Spin casting lined pipes)
These pipes can support even if the above Yodo-Flex PT pipes can’t be made shapes and our non standard materials. These can be more flexible for various shapes shapes. The results are to reduce number.
These allow to be lined to devices such as tank and to be one-piece molding of full-length φ2500x2500H.
And also these can be used under the pressure to adheres lining to a substrate in Yodo-flow linied.